Obsidian with Spaced Repetition Plugin
by Bernardas Ališauskaspublished on
Obsidian is a great note taking and knowledgebase tool that is becoming increasingly popular with power users. The Spaced Repetition Plugin is a great addition for enhanced learning through flashcards and here's a quick intro!
obsidian-spaced-repetition is a tool that enables flashcard creation and review from within any note using simple syntax like:
flashcard question::flashcard answer
Will create a flashcard like:
The best part is that you can place this anywhere in your notes and a flashcard will be created and added to your flashcard deck. This is a great fit for note summarization!
It's also fully customizable - you can change the syntax details and choose which notes are used to create flashcards. The flashcard performance is also stored inline as a comment which can be easily modified or reset:
Capital of New Zealand::Wellington
Adding Audio and Media
Spaced Repetition flashcards integrate all formatting present on the note be it audio player, video or an image:
Best Pokemon?::Wingull![[wingull.mp3]]

Here the audio is embedded using the ![[audio.mp3]]
syntax. We can enhance this even further with the media-extended plugin which enables audio auto play on flash card reveal:
Best Pokemon?::Squirtle![[squirle.mp3#play]]
The #play
suffix tells the audio player to autoplay the file on reveal which works as expected with Spaced Repetition flashcards.
To add visual media like videos or images it's best to use the multi-line flashcard syntax:
what is this pokemon?
Note that above we can limit image width to 200 pixels using |200
syntax. This produces a flashcard:

Overall most multimedia from notes transfer seamlessly to flashcards making this a great tool for language learning (as audio on reveal aids with memorisation) or just anything that can benefits from visuals.
I've been having a great time with this extension primarily because it's so friction less. Creating flashcards is always such a chore and pulling them directly from your notes solves a lot of these issues. The practice button waiting there, looking at you, every time you open your notes also forces you to review your cards once in a while.
The plugin does work on Obsidian mobile though I had some breaking styling issues on my Android phone so your experience might vary. It's still in development and growing and for the future features I'd really like to see some media controls (like auto play) though overall Obsidian Spaced Repetition is awesome. 5 stars.